Friday, April 1, 2011

4th post

OK, by now anyone who actually reads this blog knows my name is Adam. We have finish filming act 1 & have started filming act 3 & it is going great. I help out with act 1 scene 5 by moving almost all of the table in the caffiteria by myself to clear a space to use as a dance floor. Thats all I really planed on do for that scene but I ended up get myself suckered into being an extra in the dance scene. I had to throw together a costume and everone thought the mask I use was creapy, not creaper creapy but more silent, emotionless creapy. Yesterday we filmed act 3 scenes 2&4 at the nurses house & it took forever just to get start. We film scene 4 first because lady capulet had to be some were, it took almost 15 tries because Paris & lord capulet kept messing it up. Luky for us that Juleit & the Nurse nail there scene in only a few tries. All in all it was fun & I'm glad I was part of it. Well thats all I have to say thanks for reading.

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